Serving The Attorneys In Pennsylvania's 56th Judicial District
Lawyer Referral Service
The attorneys of the Carbon County Bar Association recognize the need for Carbon County residents to have the opportunity to seek advice on legal matters for a moderate fee.

It is the goal of the LRS to help clients who do not presently have an attorney or who do not know how to go about obtaining one.


Upon contacting the LRS, completing an application and paying a $35.00 consultation fee, the LRS will match the client with a participating attorney and then provide you with their contact information.

The client will receive a half-hour consultation with the attorney at no additional cost.

If further legal work is needed beyond the initial half-hour consultation, it can be arranged with the attorney at a cost agreed upon by both the client and the attorney.

The $35.00 fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

For more information or to arrange for a Lawyer referral, please download and print your application here.  

After downloading and completing the application, payment of $35.00 by cash, money order or PAYPAL must be received along with your application before a referral will be made.

Send completed applications to:

Carbon County Bar Association
73 W. Broadway
Jim Thorpe PA, 18229
The Carbon County Lawyer Referral Service may be able to offer certain legal services at a reduced rate to clients who meet specific financial requirements under our Modest Means Program.

For more information, please see Modest Means information HERE.
Modest Means Program
More Information
For more information on the Carbon County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service or Modest Means Program, please email or call 610.379.4950.

Please Note
f you plan to file for a waiver of costs, you may not utilize the Lawyer Referral Service or Modest Means Program.